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Tag: alcohol and drug abuse
Ramón Gerardo Antonio Estévez the 70 year old actor known by his stage name as Martin Sheen We’re not all on the same journey all the time (March 3 2011)

Ramón Gerardo Antonio Estévez the 70 year old actor known by his stage name as Martin Sheen and for his notable activism for liberal politics and labor rights, has likened his son Carlos Irwin Estévez’s (Charlie Sheen) battle with substance abuse as like having “cancer.” Estévez made the comments as his 45 year old sons acting career imploded, resulting in him receiving rehabilitation treatment for alcohol and drug abuse. Estévez believes his son will overcome his addictions and go on to star in further movies, however his son’s erratic behavior appears to be reaching new heights as he indulges in violent alcohol and cocaine binges with porn stars.


Inspired by CTV News image source Wikipedia

Jared Lee Loughner My assassination and I planned ahead (January 17 2011)

Jared Lee Loughner the 22 year old American charged with the January 8 Tucson shootings that killed six people and left fourteen others injured including Congress woman Gabrielle Giffords, is having his mental stability investigated. His behavioral and personality issues started to surface when he dropped out of High School, keeping to himself and not respond to others, along with alcohol and drug abuse including cannabis, psychedelic mushrooms, LSD and Salvia a natural and legal hallucinogen. Loughner was rejected as unqualified for service by the U.S. Army, and in turn appears to have rejected society including his friends, family and many social mores. Loughner believed in numerous conspiracy theories, and exhibited a longstanding dislike for Gabrielle Giffords, repeatedly derided her as fake.


Inspired by Jo Becker, Serge F. Kovaleski, Michael Luo and Dan Barry image source Wikipedia

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