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Tag: Cambridge University

Rowan Douglas Williams the 61 year old UK Anglican bishop, poet and theologian and current Archbishop of Canterbury has announced he will be stepping down at the end of 2012 to take up a senior position as master of Magdalene College at Cambridge University. Williams as the senior bishop of the Church of England is the symbolic head of the international network of Anglican and Episcopal churches, representing nearly 80 million people in the Anglican Communion. Williams renown for being outspoken on social issues stated, “It is a job of immense demands and I would hope that my successor has the constitution of an ox and the skin of a rhinoceros… he will, I think, have to look with positive, hopeful eyes on a church, which for all its problems is still, for so many people, a place to which they resort in times of need and crisis, a place to which they look for inspiration… I think the Church of England is a great treasure.” Williams’ departure leaves a church deeply split and on the verge of a fundamental schism, with little indications its divisions over opening the Anglican priesthood to women and gays can be reconciled by any potential successor.


Inspired by Andrew Brown image source Brian

Sarah Parcak a US archaeologist and Egyptologist has used satellite imaging analysis to identify from surface surveys thousands of new archaeological sites in Egypt. Having completed her Ph.D at Cambridge University Parcak combined the satellite images with the surface surveys to identify potential water sources in Middle Egypt and also into the East Delta and the arid regions of the Sinai. From this information, Parcak and her team have announced discovering underground building remnants including 3000 settlements around the ancient city of Tanis near San El Hagar, over 1000 tombs and 17 pyramids. With the help of infra-red satellite images taken from 640km distance from the earth, outlines of structures appear visible due to variations in the earth density, enabling Parcak to map a detailed street plan of the ancient city. Inspired by Mike Pitts image source University of Alabama Easy to underestimate scale of settlements (July 21 2011)

Sarah Parcak a US archaeologist and Egyptologist has used satellite imaging analysis to identify from surface surveys thousands of new archaeological sites in Egypt. Having completed her Ph.D at Cambridge University Parcak combined the satellite images with the surface surveys to identify potential water sources in Middle Egypt and also into the East Delta and the arid regions of the Sinai. From this information, Parcak and her team have announced discovering underground building remnants including 3000 settlements around the ancient city of Tanis near San El Hagar, over 1000 tombs and 17 pyramids. With the help of infra-red satellite images taken from 640km distance from the earth, outlines of structures appear visible due to variations in the earth density, enabling Parcak to map a detailed street plan of the ancient city.


Inspired by Mike Pitts image source University of Alabama

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