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David LaChapelle the 48 year old US fashion, advertising and fine art photographer has recently been interviewed by Alexandra Ilyashov for Fashion Week Daily on the unveiling of his recent work ‘Earth Laughs in Flowers’, described as “a vibrant, vanitas-inspired spate of photos … which include decayed flowers, balloons, and burning cigarettes—and some touching tidbits from [his] teenhood stint at Interview.” During the interview LaChapelle stated, “The series is inspired by vanitas works by the old masters; all the objects had symbolic value and told a story, whether it was a fish, a knife, or a quill pen. Everyone’s done their flower series, whether it’s early [Irving] Penn, Mapplethorpe, Caravaggio, or Warhol. Vanitas reminds us of our connection to nature, and that life doesn’t go on forever. We have seasons, just like flowers. Spring is about youth and beauty; we age, ripen, and mature in summer and autumn, and then we decline and die in the winter of our lives. The title, “Earth Laughs In Flowers,” is taken from a line in an Emerson poem that I came across when I was halfway done with the series.”


Inspired by Alexandra Ilyashov image source

Catherine Élise "Cate" Blanchett the 42 year old Australian actress, theatre director and ambassador for the Australian Conservation Foundation, has come under attack in a scare campaign from conservatives and climate change skeptics over her support of the proposed Australian Carbon Tax ‘Just Say Yes’ campaign. Blanchett appears in advertising for the campaign funded by a coalition of unions and green groups, and has been accused by conservative politicians of being a well paid actor engaging in gestures which will have no effect, failing to understand the plight of the poor who can't afford their power bill. Blanchett responded to the criticisms with "I'm absolutely committed to supporting the action on climate change ... it's one of the greatest challenges we're facing. It's about the future generations, our children". Inspired by Anna Rose image source Thore Siebrands It’s about the future generations, our children (June 13 2011)

Catherine Élise “Cate” Blanchett the 42 year old Australian actress, theatre director and ambassador for the Australian Conservation Foundation, has come under attack in a scare campaign from conservatives and climate change skeptics over her support of the proposed Australian Carbon Tax ‘Just Say Yes’ campaign. Blanchett appears in advertising for the campaign funded by a coalition of unions and green groups, and has been accused by conservative politicians of being a well paid actor engaging in gestures which will have no effect, failing to understand the plight of the poor who can’t afford their power bill. Blanchett responded to the criticisms with “I’m absolutely committed to supporting the action on climate change … it’s one of the greatest challenges we’re facing. It’s about the future generations, our children”.


Inspired by Anna Rose image source Thore Siebrands

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