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Tag: Czech Republic
More settler than the settlers (December 18 2012) More settler than the settlers (December 18 2012)

Jon Elmer the Canadian writer and photojournalist specializing in the Middle East and Canadian foreign and military policy, has published an article on Aljazeera titled ‘”More settler than the settlers”: Canada’s UN policy and Israel’ claiming since Israel’s inception, Canada has been at the forefront in its unwavering support of the Jewish state. Elmer states “Even before Canada officially cast its “no” vote at the United Nations, Palestinians knew which way the Canadian wind would blow. At the gates of Canada’s heavily guarded “embassy” in Ramallah the day before the vote, protesters carried signs of Prime Minister Stephen Harper emblazoned with a dogs snout and the dismissive slogan, “this dog doesn’t hunt”. The next day in New York, Canada joined Israel, the US, the Czech Republic, Panama and four small countries in the Pacific Islands – including Nauru, population 10,000 –  in voting against a General Assembly resolution granting Palestinians Non-Member Observer State status. The final tally was 138 to 9 in favour. Before the vote, analyst Mouin Rabbani aptly characterised the antagonists: “Those openly opposing this vote can easily be counted on the fingers of an amputated hand: Israel; the United States, which is more pro-Israel than Israel itself; Canada, which is more pro-Israel than even the United States.” Indeed, the very next day Canada voted against six more resolutions on Palestinian rights that were adopted, including one on the “peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine” (163-6). Canada opposing resolutions dealing with Palestinian rights is not new, nor is it the effect of a particular government or another. Opposing such resolutions has been a core Canadian diplomatic tactic since the creation of the State of Israel in 1948 – by both Liberal and Conservative governments.”


Inspired by Aljazeera image source WorkingTV

Václav Klaus the 69 year old President of the Czech Republic on a Latin American visit has been recorded on video during a press conference with Chilean President Sebastián Piñera stealing a ceremonial pen encrusted with semi-precious lapis lazuli stones renowned for their intense bluish colours. While the Chilean President was addressing journalists at the conference, Klaus is seen opening the pen box and removing the pen, he examines the pen then moves it down under the bench at which he is seated, appears to button up his jacket then returns his empty hand to close the pen box, hardly skipping a beat as he smiles at the warm welcome he is receiving from his counterpart. His spokespersons later claimed the pen only had the logo of the state on it. Inspired by Ben Quinn image source Wikipedia It is not a pen but just a stylus (April 21 2011)

Václav Klaus the 69 year old President of the Czech Republic on a Latin American visit has been recorded on video during a press conference with Chilean President Sebastián Piñera stealing a ceremonial pen encrusted with semi-precious lapis lazuli stones renowned for their intense bluish colours. While the Chilean President was addressing journalists at the conference, Klaus is seen opening the pen box and removing the pen, he examines the pen then moves it down under the bench at which he is seated, appears to button up his jacket then returns his empty hand to close the pen box, hardly skipping a beat as he smiles at the warm welcome he is receiving from his counterpart. His spokespersons later claimed the pen only had the logo of the state on it.


Inspired by Ben Quinn image source Wikipedia

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