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Tag: Barbara Ehrenreich

Barbara Ehrenreich the 70 year old US political activist referred to as a ‘myth buster’, along with her husband John Ehrenreich a psychology professor have released an article on Aljazeera discussing the rise of the OWS Movement. “…those in the top 1 per cent of the wealth distribution – the bankers, hedge-fund managers and CEOs … have been around for a long time in one form or another, but they only began to emerge as a distinct and visible group, informally called the “super-rich”  … Extravagant levels of consumption helped draw attention to them … but as long as the middle class could still muster the credit for college tuition and occasional home improvements, it seemed churlish to complain. Then came the financial crash of 2007-2008, followed by the Great Recession, and the 1 per cent to whom we had entrusted our pensions, our economy, and our political system stood revealed as a band of feckless, greedy narcissists and possibly sociopaths.


Inspired by Barbara & John Ehrenreich image source David Shankbone

Anthony Robert "Tony" Kushner the 54 year old Pulitzer Prize winning US playwright has had his name removed from a list of recipients to receive honorary degrees at the City University of New York (CUNY) based on a university trustee pro-Israel activist Jeffrey Wiesenfeld’s statement regarding Kushner’s beliefs about Zionism and Israel. Kushner who is Jewish denied the allegations in the statement and accused Wiesenfeld of slander. Three previous prominent honorees Barbara Ehrenreich, Michael Cunningham and Ellen Schrecker in support of Kushner had declared they will return their degrees in protest at his treatment. Cunningham stated "To deny him an honorary degree because certain members of the board disagree with some of his political views is a chilling indictment of the freedom of expression CUNY has always championed." Inspired by Paul Harris image source An offence against intellectual discussion (May 16 2011)

Anthony Robert “Tony” Kushner the 54 year old Pulitzer Prize winning US playwright has had his name removed from a list of recipients to receive honorary degrees at the City University of New York (CUNY) based on a university trustee pro-Israel activist Jeffrey Wiesenfeld’s statement regarding Kushner’s beliefs about Zionism and Israel. Kushner who is Jewish denied the allegations in the statement and accused Wiesenfeld of slander. Three previous prominent honorees Barbara Ehrenreich, Michael Cunningham and Ellen Schrecker in support of Kushner had declared they will return their degrees in protest at his treatment. Cunningham stated “To deny him an honorary degree because certain members of the board disagree with some of his political views is a chilling indictment of the freedom of expression CUNY has always championed.”


Inspired by Paul Harris image source

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